One of our most popular holiday sailing experiences is our Start Yachting course. This two-day course is a great introduction to sailing for complete beginners. We have the location, facilities, boats and instructors to give you the best introduction to what we love to do most. This is about getting the vibe; feeling the power of a sailing yacht and experiencing the connection with nature. It’s about a light lunch in an unspoilt bay and a refreshing swim in crystal clear waters. It’s about returning to Port Andratx with an incredible sunset after a day of fun, laughter and lasting memories – Further information
Another very popular experience is our Competent Crew course. Get the best foundation to build your sailing experiences on & enjoy a great holiday exploring Mallorca as you learn the basics. The five-day RYA Competent Crew sailing course is for beginners and those who would like to become an active crew member rather than just a passenger. You will spend a fun week gaining practical hands-on experience in general boat handling and safety on board which includes helming, mooring, man overboard drills, dropping anchor, handling sails and ropes and assisting in all the day-to-day routines. The first two days are spent in Port Andratx, learning about the boat, the sails, the wind and staying safe aboard. We practice hoisting and trimming sails, preparing lines and fenders for coming alongside or mooring, Mediterranean style – Further information
Imagine being capable and confident enough to take your friends and family out on a yacht for a day, a weekend or even on holiday. RYA Day Skipper is a qualification which enables you to safely take charge of a 30-45ft sail cruising yacht and its crew by day in familiar waters. There’s no getting away from it – passing involves some work, some practice and some dedication. But RYA Day Skipper is your ticket to freedom. It shows charter companies that you have enough knowledge and practical experience to take their vessels out safely – Further information

- Start Yachting Course – this is the perfect course for anyone to enjoy a few days on the water discovering the joy of sailing. It is so much better than charter because it is a sailing experience combined with learning the ropes!
- Competent Crew Course – enjoy a great 5-day holiday exploring Mallorca as you learn the basics of sailing and becoming an active crew member. You’re sure to enjoy the experience and make lasting memories.
- RYA Day Skipper – Impress your family & friends by getting your licence to skipper a 30-45ft sail cruising yacht and its crew.
- Powerboat Level 2 – At Solaris Sailing, we run the Powerboat Level II Course. This fun, challenging and very popular two-day course provides the skills and theory required for driving powerboats such as Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB), open day-boats and any kind of sports boat up to 10m.
- Personal Water Craft – Train with us for the Personal Watercraft (jetski) proficiency course, with the best equipment and prices on the island.